Ladies, learn how to navigate your financial life with confidence

Marianne's hand writing on a legal pad with a calculator next to her and brass binoculars I the foreground


My clients are looking for a financial partner who will work hand in hand with them both now and in the future. They want preparation so their money helps them live the lives they truly desire. 

I understand the unique challenges you face when it comes to having an empowered relationship with your money. I am here to help you navigate your finances, no matter what stage of life you’re in.


Investment Management

nautical ropes


Investors, new or experienced, can benefit from Imagine Financial Services' tax-efficient portfolios!

Portfolios are carefully designed with the goal of reducing market risk and improving returns over time.

Imagine Financial Services follows an evidence-based passive investment philosophy, allocating investable assets in low-cost, highly diversified mutual funds and ETFs to achieve the best risk-adjusted return.

Client accounts are held at custodians Altruist or Charles Schwab.

To be eligible for Investment Management services, investors must have a minimum balance of $300,000 in AUM.

Investment management: What to Expect

Project Planning

a sailboat on the open water


Perfect for someone with target-specific questions/goals. 

Common Questions Before Retirement -

Help, I can't figure out where my money seems to go!

How do I avoid facing Market, Inflation, and Tax Risks?

When can I afford to retire?

Questions at or in Retirement - 

Can you help me turn my retirement savings into a reliable replacement for my paycheck?

When should I begin taking Social Security?

How do I optimize my taxes when I take withdrawals?


Comprehensive Financial Planning

Marianne on beach smiling at camera with hand on her hip


Comprehensive Financial Planning is designed for investors seeking a professional guide, counselor, and accountability partner. We will address all domains of your financial well-being.

Over 12 months - 

  • Discover your true financial values and goals.  

  • Prioritize and track your goals

  • Cash flow analysis and budgeting support

  • Investment analysis, design, and implementation

  • Partner with your tax professional to ensure you optimize your taxable situation

  • Coordinate with your estate attorney to protect your assets today and in your legacy

  • Collaborate with a qualified insurance specialist for insurance optimization, maximized protection, and lower costs

  • Organize all of these elements in one secure client portal to streamline your view and keep you up to date with your financial net worth

Process: Discovery, Data Gathering, Recommendations, Implementation, Review and Mentor